142 research outputs found

    Many to many mobile maps

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    The rapid development of mobile computing devices along with a variety of Web 2.0 social networking tools has led to a dramatic change in the way maps and other spatial displays are utilized. The evolution from stand-alone desktop GIS to the interactive, mobile devices, in which information from one or more sources and is sent to one or more sinks, is discussed. The result is access to real-time information, which is generated from both traditional sources, social networks, and other specialized geowikis. Both the benefits of many to many mobile maps and the emergence of new problems, such as understanding the needs of the user and providing appropriate context, are discussed

    Statistical learning approach for wind resource assessment

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    Wind resource assessment is fundamental when selecting a site for wind energy projects. Wind is influenced by several environmental factors and understanding its spatial variability is key in determining the economic viability of a site. Numerical wind flow models, which solve physical equations that govern air flows, are the industry standard for wind resource assessment. These methods have been proven over the years to be able to estimate the wind resource with a relatively high accuracy. However, measuring stations, which provide the starting data for every wind estimation, are often located at some distance from each other, in some cases tens of kilometres or more. This adds an unavoidable amount of uncertainty to the estimations, which can be difficult and time consuming to calculate with numerical wind flow models. For this reason, even though there are ways of computing the overall error of the estimations, methods based on physics fail to provide planners with detailed spatial representations of the uncertainty pattern. In this paper we introduce a statistical method for estimating the wind resource, based on statistical learning. In particular, we present an approach based on ensembles of regression trees, to estimate the wind speed and direction distributions continuously over the United Kingdom (UK), and provide planners with a detailed account of the spatial pattern of the wind map uncertainty

    Gaze-Guided Narratives for Outdoor Tourism

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    Many outdoor spaces have hidden stories connected with them that can be used for enriching a tourist’s experience. Previous work on locative media has suggested to include these stories by guiding users to relevant places through positioning technology. However, stories are often related to environmental features which are far from the user, far apart from each other, and therefore difficult to explore by locomotion, but can be visually explored from a vantage point. Telling a story from a vantage point is challenging since the system must ensure that the user can identify the relevant features in the environment. This position paper suggests using eye tracking for enabling gaze-guided narratives as a novel interaction principle. The idea is to tell a story based on its formal and location-dependent specification, and dynamically depending on the user’s current and previous gaze on a panorama

    Modeling Gaze-Guided Narratives for Outdoor Tourism

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    Many outdoor spaces have hidden stories connected with them that can be used to enrich a tourist’s experience. These stories are often related to environmental features which are far from the user and far apart from each other. Therefore they are difficult to explore by locomotion, but can be visually explored from a vantage point. Telling a story from a vantage point is challenging since the system must ensure that the user can identify the relevant features in the environment. Gaze-guided narratives are an interaction concept that helps in such situations by telling a story dynamically depending on the user’s current and previous gaze on a panorama. This chapter suggests a formal modeling approach for gaze-guided narratives, based on narrative mediation trees. The approach is illustrated with an example from the Swiss saga around ’Wilhelm Tell

    Флегмона желудка у ребенка 10 лет

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    ДЕТИЖЕЛУДКА БОЛЕЗНИ /ХИРПИЩЕВАРИТЕЛЬНАЯ СИСТЕМА, ХИРУРГИЧЕСКИЕ ОПЕРАЦИИ /МЕТОДЫХИРУРГИЧЕСКИЕ ОПЕРАЦИИ /МЕТОДЫБРЮШНАЯ ПОЛОСТЬ /ХИРДИАГНОСТИЧЕСКИЕ МЕТОДЫ ПИЩЕВАРИТЕЛЬНЫЕЛАПАРОСКОПИЯВОСПАЛЕНИЕ /ХИРФЛЕГМОНА /ХИРЖЕЛУДКА СЛИЗИСТАЯ /ПАТОЛОГ /ХИРНАГНОЕНИЕ /ХИРВ публикации описывается клиническое наблюдение ребенка с флегмоной желудка. Показаны трудности диагностики и выбора тактики лечения данной патологии у детей, а также продемонстрирована эффективность хирургического лечения (атипичной аппаратной резекции желудка) данного заболевания у крайне истощенной пациентки. Данное заболевание описано у пациентов различных возрастных групп: начиная от младенцев 3-месячного возраста и заканчивая пожилыми пациентами. Общая летальность при данной патологии достаточно высока и достигает по некоторым данным 92%, послеоперационная летальность составляет около 18%. Развитие данного заболевания связано с проникновением патогенных и условно-патогенных микроорганизмов в стенку желудка. При этом воспалительный процесс локализуется преимущественно в подслизистом слое. Клиническую картину флегмоны желудка нельзя назвать специфичной. В целом можно выделить три основных синдрома: болевой синдром, диспепсический синдром и синдром интоксикации. Помощь в диагностике данного заболевания могут оказать рентгенологические и эндоскопические методы обследования, УЗИ органов брюшной полости, а также лапароскопия. На сегодняшний день не выработана общепринятая тактика лечения пациентов с флегмоной желудка. При выборе метода лечения следует учитывать локализа- цию процесса, его распространенность, стадию заболевания, наличие осложнений. Немаловажное значение при выборе тактики имеет возраст пациента, а также наличие сопутствующих заболеваний. Флегмона желудка в детском возрасте является крайне редкой патологией и в большинстве случаев описывается как казуистика. Эффективность лечения, в том числе и хирургического, зависит от ранней диагностики и применения рациональной тактики последующего вмешательства. Щадящие методики опе- ративного лечения (атипичная аппаратная резекция желудка) данного заболевания могут применяться у крайне истощенных пациентов. Ключевые слова: флегмона желудка, клиническое наблюдение, атипичная аппаратная резекция желудка, дети, истощенные пациенты, брюшная полость, лапароскопия.The clinical observation of a gastric phlegmon in a 10-year-old child is presented in this paper. Difficulties of diagnosis and choice of treatment of this pathology in children are shown; the efficiency of surgical treatment (atypical hardware stomach resection) of the disease is demonstrated in an extremely debilitated patient. This disease is described in patients of different age groups starting from 3-month old babies and ending by elderly patients. Overall mortality of this pathology is quite high and according to some data reaches 92%; the postoperative mortality is about 18%. The development of this disease is due to penetration of pathogenic and opportunistic pathogens n the stomach wall. This inflammatory process is localized mainly in the submucosal layer. The clinical picture of a gastric phlegmon cannot be called specific. In general, it be may singled out three main syndromes: pain syndrome, dyspeptic syndrome and intoxication syndrome. Radiological and endoscopic methods of examination, ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity and laparoscopic surgery can help in diagnosing this pathology. At present treatment tactics generally accepted for patients with a gastric phlegmon has not been worked out. In choose a treatment method the localization of the process, its prevalence, the stage of the disease, presence of complications should be taken into account. In the choice of treatment tactics is equally important to take into consideration the patient’s age and presence of accompanying diseases. A gastric phlegmon in children is an extremely rare disease and in most cases is described as casuistry. Efficacy of treatment, including surgery, depends on early diagnosis and subsequent intervention tactics. Gentle methods of surgical treatment (atypical hardware stomach resection) can be used in extremely debilitated patients. Keywords: gastric phlegmon, clinical observation, atypical hardware stomach resection, children, debilitated patients, abdominal cavity, laparoscopic surgery

    Investigation of potential cognition factors correlated to fire evacuation

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    The design of a navigation system to support indoor fire evacuation depends not only on speed but also a relatively thorough consideration of the cognition factors. This study has investigated potential cognition factors which can affect the human behaviours and decision making during fire evacuation by taking a survey among indoor occupants in age of 20s under designed virtual scenarios. It mainly focuses on two aspects of Fire Responses Performances (FRP), i.e. indoor familiarity (spatial cognition) and psychological stress (situ-ated cognition). The collected results have shown that these cognition factors can be affected by gender and user height and they are correlated with each other in certain ways. It has also investigated users‟ attitudes to the navigation services under risky and non-risky conditions. The collected answers are also found to be correlated with the selected FRP factors. These findings may help to further design of personalized indoor navigation support for fire evacuation

    Interactive Assistance for Tour Planning

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    Abstract. It is often difficult for individual tourists to make a sightseeing tour plan because they do not have prior knowledge about the destination. Although several systems have been developed for assisting the user’s tour planning, these systems lack interactivity, while demanding a lot of data input from the user. In this paper, we introduce a new computer-aided tour planning system, called CT-Planner, which realizes collaborative tour planning. The system provides several tour plans with different characters and asks the user to give feedback. The feedback is utilized by the system for inferring the user’s preferences and then revising the tour plans. This cycle is repeated until the user is satisfied with the final plan. Thanks to this cycle the user does not have to register his profiles in advance. In addition, the system allows the user to specify his special requests, which leads to a more satisfying experience of computer-aided tour planning

    Where Snow is a Landmark: Route Direction Elements in Alpine Contexts

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    Route directions research has mostly focused on urban space so far, highlighting human concepts of street networks based on a range of recurring elements such as route segments, decision points, landmarks and actions. We explored the way route directions reflect the features of space and activity in the context of mountaineering. Alpine route directions are only rarely segmented through decision points related to reorientation; instead, segmentation is based on changing topography. Segments are described with various degrees of detail, depending on difficulty. For landmark description, direction givers refer to properties such as type of surface, dimension, colour of landscape features; terrain properties (such as snow) can also serve as landmarks. Action descriptions reflect the geometrical conceptualization of landscape features and dimensionality of space. Further, they are very rich in the semantics of manner of motion